Governor Kelly Vetos Impacting Social Workers

Governor Kelly Vetos  

2023 Kansas Legislative Session

Governor Kelly line-item veto regarding a prohibition on licensure requirements concerning diversity, equity, inclusion and anti- racism .

HB 2184 included language prohibiting BSRB that licenses social workers from requiring any applicant for licensure to demonstrate familiarity with or support of any training, education, or instruction program that includes diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism or other related topics.

Governor Kelly line-item veto a provision in the Legislature’s budget that would’ve banned universities from asking faculty members, students and contractors about diversity, equity and inclusion, unless the DEI was thought to be relevant to the person’s field. 

The budget stipulated that applicants didn’t need to go through or demonstrate understanding of education and instruction programs for DEI, anti-racism or other related topics — except for equal opportunity protections against discrimination covered by state and federal law.

DEI-Higher education: The Legislature failed to override Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of budget measure preventing state universities from asking job applicants about diversity, equity and inclusion failed to survive in the House. The House came up five votes short of overriding Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of a budget proviso barring state universities from demanding job applicants to articulate their experience or commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.